Checking in…

I like that term.  It can mean so many things.  I may just be checking in to see how my daughter or my sister is doing. I may be checking in with a co-worker or employee to make sure all is on track. I may be telling my yoga students to take a moment to check in with themselves before beginning their practice. Generally, though, the term conveys caring, caring about other’s well-being, or more importantly, your own well-being. Today I’m checking in with myself. I have had a couple of items of really good news today and I’m feeling high as a kite. It’s surprising how life can look so linear when you look back on it.

The first bit of news was there may be a yoga class I can teach right here in the tiny little community where I live.  Those opportunities are few and very far between, so I’m very excited about this chance to teach so close to home. I go for an interview tomorrow at 1:00 (fingers crossed).

Second, I am taking a grant proposal writing certification course which I’ll be finishing up this weekend. A professor I work with who plays music with my husband just was promoted to Associate Provost for Research and Development and Dean of Graduate Studies. When I saw him this evening he immediately told me he wants me to write grant proposals for them. He’s familiar with my writing from the work I do at the university, so he was really excited about my writing for his department.  I was equally excited to have the opportunity.

While working on these certifications – teaching yoga, grant proposal writing- I have wondered why am I doing this? I live in a town of barely 1,000 people and its a rural area. Then things like this happen and I it makes me believe that there is something to this thing called life. It’s not all just grasping at straws in the dark.


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I am a 200 CYT and working toward certification in grant proposal writing. I work at a regular job that pays the bills, but also teach employee wellness yoga classes. I look forward to the day when I can dedicate my time to teaching yoga full-time.

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